The Northshoremen Barbershop Chorus, directed by Billy Carleton of Danvers, has been spreading the joy of four-part harmony to appreciative audiences locally and across New England for more than 75 years. It is a marvelous and distinctive genre of music which we work very hard to keep alive and grow, blending the beautiful standards of yesteryear with the modern music of today. There is a wealth of musical and artistic knowledge in our organization that we love to share with the community, which so generously supports us. Part of our mandate as barbershoppers is to give back to the community, which is why some of our appearances are free, such as our concert to benefit the Samaritan Charitable Society of Salem, and to help support the music programs in the Salem and Danvers public schools. Through our concerts we have also extended our support to other worthy organizations, such as Beverly Bootstraps, The Northeast Animal Shelter, The Shriners, and many others. Some of our members have been involved with barbershopping for 30, 40, even 50 years or more. In the rich history of the Northshoremen, many members have sung in divisional and district competitions, sometimes winning championships. In the spring of 2019, and again in 2023, the Northshoremen won the Most Improved Chorus Award at the division competition in Hyannis. In 2021 the chorus was named the Patriot Division Small Chorus Champions. And in the spring of this year at the division competition on Cape Cod, the chorus earned its highest score in more than 25 years, qualifying to compete this fall at the district competition in Worcester. The chorus also boasts some excellent quartets. The “Essex County 4” is a past senior quartet champion, and this spring, “Foreshadow” was named the novice division quartet champion. The Northshoremen invite all men who love to sing to join us at our rehearsals every Wednesday night from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church, 46